How to Open Water Heater Panel Travel Trailer

How to Open Water Heater Panel Travel Trailer

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With an RV water heater, you tin enjoy warm water fifty-fifty when camping in the wilderness. Even improve, RV water heaters are easy to first and operate, so you lot'll take hot h2o in no time!

  1. 1

    Claw a hose to the RV's h2o intake valve. On the outside of your RV, find the intake valve. It usually has a blue handle. Screw a hose onto the spigot and make sure it's tight then the water doesn't leak out.[1]

    • Use a clean hose to bring fresh water into your RV, otherwise you could contaminate the h2o.
    • If you have a tankless water heater, then just connect a hose to the intake and a water source. You don't have to fill a tank.[2]
    • Your RV may accept particular instructions on filling the tank, so ever check with the manual first.
  2. 2

    Attach the other finish of the hose to a water source. This could be the spigot for your garden hose if you're filling the tank at home, or a pump for filling upwardly at campsites. Either way, connect the other terminate of the hose to this source and make sure it's tight to forestall whatsoever leaks.[3]

    • If you're at a military camp, there are usually designated water sources for people to make full their campers. Ask where this is if y'all can't observe it.
    • Unless you have a pump mechanism, you won't be able to fill your tank from a lake or stream. The h2o needs to be under pressure to menses into the tank.


  3. iii

    Turn the water source on. Open up the valve by turning it counterclockwise. Water should get-go flowing into the tank.[4]

    • On some RVs, you have to open up the intake valve as well. If water isn't flowing into the tank, this might be the problem.
  4. iv

    Fill the water tank up to the fill line. Keep the h2o on and let the tank make full up. When it reaches chapters, turn the water off and remove the hose from the intake and source socket.[five]

    • Some RVs accept a fill meter near the intake valve. Otherwise, look at the tank itself to see when the water reaches the make full line.
    • Keep in listen that water is heavy, and your vehicle will utilize a lot of gas if information technology's at the max weight. You might want to fill up the tank only halfway if you're planning on driving, then fill it the rest of the way at your destination.
  5. 5

    Shut the water heater bypass valve. The bypass valve directs the water away from the heater tank and brings it through your cold water tap. Shut the featherbed valve so water flows into the h2o heater instead.[half-dozen]

  6. 6

    Plow on the hot h2o tap on one of your sinks. This brings h2o through the h2o heater and out of the faucet. If h2o is flowing, then the system is working correctly.[vii]

    • If water isn't coming out of the tap, so it means the hot tank doesn't take water in it. Double cheque to brand sure the bypass valve is closed.
  7. vii

    Let the h2o flow until there is no more air coming out. The water might sputter a little bit when y'all first turn it on. This is normal, as information technology only ways air is haemorrhage out from the system. Keep running the faucet until the water comes out smoothly without any air, then you can start the h2o heater.[eight]

    • Never calorie-free the water heater if there is even so air in the arrangement. This could damage the tank.


  1. one

    Open your propane tank. The tank should exist on the exterior of your RV. Plow the knob counterclockwise to open up it and let propane flow.[nine]

    • Don't open up the propane tank until just earlier you're ready to light the water heater. It's dangerous to go out propane running if yous're not using it.
  2. 2

    Flip the "Water Heater" switch inside your RV if you have an auto first. Electronic auto starters are very easy to utilise. Only hit the "Water Heater" switch to ignite the pilot light and start heating the water.[10]

    • In that location is usually an indicator light next to this switch indicating whether or not the heater is lit.
    • If your heater won't ignite, so the propane tank might non be open. Otherwise, you may accept a problem with your switch. Take the RV in for servicing.
  3. 3

    Open up the control panel on the outside of your RV for transmission starts. Manual lite h2o heaters require a few more steps. The panel is ordinarily held down by a latch or screws. Open it upwards to access the airplane pilot light and ignition controls.[xi]

    • Always read and follow the directions for opening your RVs control panel.
  4. 4

    Turn the knob on the control panel to "Pilot" for a transmission start. The control knob turns so yous can select the setting yous want. Rotate it so information technology says "Pilot" so yous can ignite the pilot light.[12]

    • Propane won't start flowing until you printing the knob down. Don't press until you're ready to ignite the pilot light.
  5. 5

    Ignite the airplane pilot light with a long charcoal-broil lighter. Press the control knob downwardly to release propane. And so slide the lighter correct up to the pilot light and ignite it to light the gas.[13]

    • Keep the knob pressed down for a few seconds to warm up the system.
    • This is only for manual starts. An automated starter will ignite the pilot light with no farther steps.
  6. 6

    Switch the command knob from "Pilot" to "On." Once the pilot light is lit, then light the master heater. Rotate the control knob to the "On" position. This ignites the main heater and starts heating the water in the tank.[14]

    • Keep your face away from the control panel when yous light the heater. There may exist a quick flash when information technology ignites.
    • It takes about 30 minutes for the water in the tank to heat up after you lot light the heater.[15]
    • When you're finished using the water heater, turn the propane off. It'due south dangerous to leave it running when you aren't using information technology.


  1. 1

    Connect the RV to a power source. Run your RVs ability cable to a power source and plug it in. Virtually campsites take electrical hookups like this for RVs.[16]

    • If you're at a camp, there might be an extra charge for using the electricity.
  2. 2

    Turn the water heater power switch on. The water heater power switch is usually within the cabin and looks similar a normal light switch. Flip information technology to the On position to start heating the water.[17]

    • The switch is unremarkably labeled "Water Heater," so it should exist easy to find.
    • For older models, the On switch might exist on the water heater itself rather than inside the cabin.
  3. 3

    Look 60-xc minutes for the water to heat upwardly. Electrical heaters take a bit longer than propane heaters to warm the water. Depending on the size of the tank, information technology'll take about 60-ninety minutes, then be patient before using the hot water.[18]

    • RV h2o heaters usually take a light to indicate when they're on. If the low-cal doesn't turn on, the bulb might be burned out or the water heater may not be working. Take the RV to a repair shop for servicing.
  4. 4

    Plough the switch off when y'all're done using the hot water. Once the water is hot, conserve electricity past flipping the water heater switch off. Leave the heater off until y'all're gear up to use information technology again.[19]

    • If you lot're still using electricity in your RV, like for lights or the stove, and so exit the power source plugged in. Otherwise, you tin can unplug information technology when the water is hot.


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  • Ever read and follow the instructions that come with your RV h2o heater. Different models may work differently.

  • Some RVs accept both propane and electric heaters, so you can choose which to use.

  • Information technology'southward best to take your RV serviced earlier going on a trip. If anything goes wrong, you probably won't be able to fix it yourself.


  • RV water heaters are tough to make repairs on unless y'all're a professional person, so it'south e'er best to bring information technology to a repair shop if something isn't working correct.[20]


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How to Open Water Heater Panel Travel Trailer

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